Carton packages

Clean and dry paper, cardboard and cardboard packages can be placed in the carton and cardboard collection:

·       milk and juice cans

·       cardboard packaging such as cereal and biscuit packaging

·       paper bags

·       egg cartons

·       pizza boxes

·       empty paper and toilet paper sleeves

·       corrugated boards

Flatten the packages before putting them in the collection container and remove any plastic caps. Dirty and wet cardboard is sorted into the combustible waste bin.

Where can cardboard packaging be taken?

Cardboard packages can be taken to RINKI eco-points.

Here you can find an eco-point or recycling station close to you

Oy Botniarosk Ab manages the separate collection of plastic, cardboard, glass, metal packaging and other small-sized metal. The separate collection of packaging waste applies to residential buildings with at least five residential apartments in urban areas.

How is carton and cardboard recycled?

Recycled cardboard is used as a raw material in the production of, for example, packaging cardboard, corrugated cardboard, and household and toilet paper cores.