Every household must acquire and maintain a waste bin for combustible waste. You yourself make the agreement about regular emptying intervals of the bin with a transport company. The waste transport company invoices the transport and treatment fee of the combustible waste. Contact details for waste transport companies
In the summertime (May - September) the waste container must be emptied at least once every two weeks. At winter (October - April) the emptying interval can be a maximum of four weeks. For one- and two-person households, that produce little waste, the emptying interval can be four weeks all year round.
If you compost the bio waste in a heat insulated compost, you can be granted an extended emptying interval of maximum eight weeks. An extended emptying interval is sought from the Suupohja’s waste committee: application for extension of the waste bin emptying interval (in Finnish)
If you compost the bio-waste, you must notify the Suupohja’swaste committee, either electronically or with a printable form: notification of composting of bio-waste (in Finnish)
Neighbouring properties can share a common waste bin. The users of a common bin may live no more than one kilometre apart in urban areas and no more than three kilometres apart in scarcely populated areas.
When you begin or stop using a common waste container,you must make a report to the Suupohja’s waste committee: notification of use of a common waste container (in Finnish)
Daily waste from the household, that cannot be recycled, is placed in the waste bin for combustible waste. Combustible waste
Hazardous waste, electrical and electronic waste, landfill waste, recyclable waste and larger objects, such as furniture, are accepted at our recycling stations: waste to the recycling stations.
Paper, metal and glass packaging can be taken to the nearest Botniarosk or Rinki ecopoint. In addition to paper, metal and glass packaging, cardboard packaging is also collected at the Rinki eco-points. Some rinki eco-ponts also accept plastic packaging. Waste to the ecopoints.
Waste types: plastic packaging, carton packaging, paper, glas packaging and metal packaging.
Large amounts of waste are delivered to the waste center in Teuva. Household waste that does not belong in the combustible waste bin at home or can’t be delivered to an ecopoint are mainly delivered to the recycling station. As a rule of thumb, a car trailer with waste belongs at the recycling station, while a tractor trailer with a single type of waste is brought to the waste center. Waste to the waste centre.
All households pay an eco-fee, the eco-fee is a basic fee for waste management in accordance with the Waste Act and is invoiced by Botniarosk. You can read more about the eco-fee here.
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